Help us make Audata products even better for you.

Adoption Report
Completed 0 subscribers Administration FR100022

Ability for admins and managers to easily monitor adoption and usage indicators of Audata across their entire business (and potentially many products, stations, instances).

"Contains" operator for Segments on text fields
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100021

When building a Segment and querying by a text field (such as a Listener custom field), the ability to find records that "contain" a value, in addition to "equal/not equal".

Include custom data fields in Listener CSVs
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100020

When exporting Listeners as a CSV file, include columns for any Listener custom fields.

Payment Reconciliation
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100019

Automated pay run emails will include a secure reconciliation link that finance / AP staff can use to quickly mark successful or failed payments (such as when a listener provides invalid bank details). The listener will be automatically notified and prompted to provide amended details via a secure form, after which the payment will be re-attempted in the next pay run. Admins can configure the workflow around business rules.

Public Holidays
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100018
Ability to define public holidays and custom blackout periods in the scheduler.
Inbound SMS world filters
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100017

Ability to set a "black list" of words for inbound SMS messages. The user can set whether these words should be censored in inbound messages, block the entire message, or block the message and the sender also.

Save Random List Draw Details
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100016

Ability to automatically save the details (such as user, date & time) of every Random Draw performed, for record keeping or regulatory compliance purposes.

Bulk award with spreadsheet
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100015

Ability to create new prizes by uploading a spreadsheet, which may include a specified "prize status" for those prizes, for situations where the default message must be customisable.

Automatic status for potential prohibited winners
Rejected 1 subscribers Promo FR100013

When prize is awarded, automatically detect whether the winner may be prohibited, or may be a duplicate of a prohibited winner, and assign that prize a certain status (instead of default status).

The status may be "requires review" for example, but this workflow can be customised as required using standard Prize Status functionality.

Prize expiry
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100012

Ability to move prizes, when expired (either set expiration date or a fixed default interval) to a certain status, and to be able to report on the value of prizes which are active vs. expired for accounting / GL purposes.