Help us make Audata products even better for you.

Prohibition Rule Prize Filter
Completed 7 subscribers Promo FR100260

Add a prize type filter to Prohibition Rules so customers have the ability to choose what prizes they want included in the prohibition rules.

Support for Multi-Day Events in Studio Dashboard
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100254
Studio “Upcoming Events” Widget to show events which span multiple dates.
Add 'Awarded By' column to Prize Reports
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100249
Add the 'Awarded By' column to all prize reports to assist teams managing large scale promotions.
Campaign Wizard Update - Liners
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100244

Add the ability to include liners in the Campaign Wizard.

Inbound Message Detail Report
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100243

Create reports that give the ability to search for inbound messages with the following options:

  • Export messages from a certain date range
  • Export messages containing a certain word

Option to remove entrants from list for certain statuses
Completed 0 subscribers Promo FR100234

When a Listener's list prize is withdrawn, they are still appearing as a member of the list. Withdrawn members should no longer appear on list.

Update Sport Campaigns
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100232

Ability to edit a Sport Campaign (for example an AFL Season) fixture by uploading additional rounds, without needing to create an entirely new Sport Campaign.

Inventory Items Value Report
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100227
Report which lists inventory items (excluding items with 0 or negative quantity available) and includes the VPU for the inventory items, including totals.
Prohibited Winners Report
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100226
Generate an exportable report for Prohibited winners.
Apply Custom CSS to forms
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100225

The functionality to apply custom CSS to embedded forms.