Help us make Audata products even better for you.

Listener Custom Fields visible in Studio
New 1 subscribers Promo FR100237
Option to make Audience Custom Fields visible in the Studio UI, allowing users to enter values for these fields when awarding prizes and also when creating or updating Partial Profiles.
Multi-Instance Audience Profiles
New 1 subscribers Promo FR100231

Single Audience Profiles (Listener) shared across multiple instances. Customisable merging / matching / de-dup rules (e.g. join on Phone Number, or Email Address).

Multi-Station Studio Sidebar
New 1 subscribers Promo FR100230

Ability to have multiple station schedule items in the Studio sidebar, grouped in an accordion.

Duplicate Listener flagging by Bank Account
New 1 subscribers Promo FR100229
Automatically create a Duplicate suggestion for Listeners where multiple Listener records appear to have the same Bank Account details.
Winner publishing across multiple instances
New 3 subscribers Promo FR100224
The ability to have winner publishing across multiple instances
Events Ticket Fine Print Edit/Remove Ability
New 1 subscribers Events FR100221
Events Ticket Fine Print Edit/Remove Ability
See all deliveries on Multi-instance Liners
New 1 subscribers Promo FR100219

Display all deliveries under multi-instance liners, including deliveries recorded on other instances.

Bundle Prizes Ability
New 1 subscribers Promo FR100215
Ability to bundle multiple prizes to award to one winner so they aren't redeeming 10 separate prizes via 10 separate sms's.
Viber Integration
New 2 subscribers Promo FR100201

Integration with the Viber platform for inbound and outbound messaging, particularly for customers in parts of the EU where Viber is prominent.

Bulletin SMS Gateway Adapter
New 1 subscribers Promo FR100176
Adapter for the Bulletin SMS gateway for sending SMS messages from Audata.