Help us make Audata products even better for you.
By Status
Commitment Added to Liners
Add "committed" box in new liner setup.
Add "committed" tally in campaign liners overview
Manually Add Listener to a House Hold
The ability to manually add a listener to a house hold. E.g.someone is using their work phone and address but has also won prizes on their personal number and home address.
Soft Prohibition Rules
Campaign Demographic Breakdown
Automatically send attachments to winners
Ability to upload and automatically deliver unique attachments (for example PDF vouchers as prizes) to winners by email or SMS.
Current instance meta tags
Include meta tags containing the current instance (station) GUID or subdomain for developer use in identifying the current active instance in a browser plugin, even when a user does not have the instance switcher drop-down visible in the navbar.
User management audit logging
Select Products for Sport Commitments
Ability to select which Product types are available for a Sport Commitment. For example, when assigning a Client to a Campaign (such as a Football season), you can select the products (e.g. Brand / Extended / Super Extended) that have purchased by that client, and only those products will be displayed in the sport tracker dashboard.
HTML Listener Notes
Live Reads
Ability to store, manage, schedule, and track delivery of Live Reads, in a similar way as Liners are currently.