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Facebook Messenger Support for Audata Messaging
Completed 3 subscribers Other FR100068
Ability for audiences to use Facebook Messenger for messaging with Audata.
Multi-component Prizes
Accepted 10 subscribers Promo FR100063

Ability to schedule, award, and manage prizes with multiple components (for example, a cash component, and an inventory item component). This will assist greatly when there is a minor prize component and a major prize component to a campaign.

Can this feature also be included in the Campaign Wizard.

Select number of Messages per page in Studio
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100062

Ability to select how many messages are shown per page, in the Inbound Messages module for Studio UI.

Bulk Award 1.0
Completed 4 subscribers Promo FR100059

Stable release of the Bulk Award feature for awarding a single prize to many winners / phone numbers, or via a CSV file upload.

Campaign finance popup in Payments view
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100058

In the main payments list view, add a pop-up / tooltip when hovering over the Campaign name to view the finance details and codes about that Campaign.

Show prohibition End Date in Studio
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100057

Display the "end date" of a prohibition against a winner when attempting to award them a prize via studio mode.

Scheduled times on Liner view
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100056

On the Liner details view, show the times / quantity the liner has been scheduled (not just delivered). Show an icon or colour to indicate whether that scheduled spot was / has been delivered.

Warning when deleting schedule items
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100054

Add a confirmation when deleting items from the Schedule to avoid things being accidentally deleted. This can be a configurable option in the scheduler settings, but will be enabled by default.

Update Contest comments for entire Campaign
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100053

When editing comments on a scheduled Contest spot, add the option to update the comments for all other contests for the same campaign.

Add Status column to Prizes list on Inventory Item
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100052

Add the prize status column to the prizes list on the Inventory Item details view (under the "Prizes") tab, or possibly replace that list by dynamically generating a Filtered List View (using the main Prizes list view) on the fly.