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Current instance meta tags
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100087

Include meta tags containing the current instance (station) GUID or subdomain for developer use in identifying the current active instance in a browser plugin, even when a user does not have the instance switcher drop-down visible in the navbar.

Keyword Data under Campaigns
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100206

When a Keyword is attached to a Campaign the data for Keywords should be shared under the Campaign. Being able to convert entries into a List would also be a great feature.

Clone Days
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100126

When building a schedule for a week in Audata, it is really helpful to have ‘clone previous week’ however, sometimes when we are starting a new promo the previous week is no longer helpful.


It would be amazing if we could input everything for a new week into ‘Monday’ for example and then clone that into the remaining days of the week.

Customizing Heat Maps
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100128
Create a heat map for specific reasons e.g campaigns, last 500 winners etc.
Campaign Demographic Breakdown
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100090
Version of the Audience Demographic Breakdown report that can be scoped to audience members who engaged with / participated in a specific Campaign.
Hosted Form Links
In Development 2 subscribers Promo FR100107
Ability to create a hosted, shareable link to Forms with basic branding (instead of needing to embed the form).
Update Contest comments for entire Campaign
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100053

When editing comments on a scheduled Contest spot, add the option to update the comments for all other contests for the same campaign.

Messenger Reply Templates
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100116

Ability to create and use canned replies / templates in the Messenger module for replying to listeners.

Ability to Show/Hide Date and Time from Ticket Template
Completed 2 subscribers Events FR100218

Ability to choose per-event whether the ticket template displays the event Date and Time.

Commitment Added to Liners
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100096

Add "committed" box in new liner setup.

Add "committed" tally in campaign liners overview