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Facebook Messenger Support for Audata Messaging
Completed 3 subscribers Other FR100068
Ability for audiences to use Facebook Messenger for messaging with Audata.
SMS replies from the same number
Completed 3 subscribers Promo FR100045
Use the inbound SMS phone number as the sender ID when replying to a message, instead of the default sender ID for the station.
State field as drop-down
Completed 3 subscribers Promo FR100112
Ability to set the State field (for countries where applicable) as a drop-down menu of options, ensuring a consistent data standard. For example, preventing users from entering VIC as "Victoria" in free text.
Note Section for All Shows
Completed 3 subscribers Promo FR100183

Create a section inside Studio that will display key messages for all shows e.g. concert presents, station tag lines. 

Multiple active Shifts in Studio
Rejected 2 subscribers Promo FR100033

Ability to split the studio UI with multiple shifts (from different stations / dates) active at the same time. This would be useful, for example, when a presenter is doing a life shift and voicetracking another shift for a different station.

Commitment Added to Liners
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100096

Add "committed" box in new liner setup.

Add "committed" tally in campaign liners overview

Configure From Email and DKIM
Accepted 2 subscribers Platform FR100078

The ability to configure custom domains for sending system-generated emails (replacing the default noreply@(instance_subdomain), as well as generating DKIM keys for signing outbound email to improve deliverability when using custom domains.

Hosted Forms with QR Codes
Rejected 2 subscribers Promo FR100026
Ability to generate a hosted Web Form for registering for a contest, with the option to add a QR code to scan and register at events and activations.
Editable columns on Payments view
Rejected 2 subscribers Promo FR100042

Ability to show/hide columns on the Payments list view.

Payment Reconciliation
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100019

Automated pay run emails will include a secure reconciliation link that finance / AP staff can use to quickly mark successful or failed payments (such as when a listener provides invalid bank details). The listener will be automatically notified and prompted to provide amended details via a secure form, after which the payment will be re-attempted in the next pay run. Admins can configure the workflow around business rules.