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List option to not count lists as an awarded prize
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100197

In Studio when a listener is displayed it shows Last Won and includes list prizes but most cases people haven't technically won a prize. We need to create an option when creating Lists to not include entrants as prize won.

Listeners by Prize Count per month/ year
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100156
The ability to narrow this report by date range. At the moment the limit is 500.
Merging Listeners with Different Phone Numbers
Accepted 1 subscribers Promo FR100207
add multiple phone numbers to a user's profile (assigning one as their 'main' number).
Prize History Detail
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100203

When a prize is being awarded the system currently displays the last time the listener won a prize. This will update will give a more detailed snap shop of all prizes won and when.

Studio User Settings
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100195
Create a user settings option in Studio giving users the ability to customise how they view/use Studio.
Unique Sender Messenger Report
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100202

Add the ability to only see unique senders in a message report.

Display partial profile/ listener details when replying in Messenger
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100199

When replying in Messenger, display partial profile/ listener details (name and suburb) to assist users.

Bulk Awarding Winner Alert
Accepted 1 subscribers Promo FR100204

When bulk awarding have a pop up/ display of all the numbers who have previously won a prize.

Filter Messages by Channel
Accepted 1 subscribers Promo FR100209

The ability to filter messages by channel e.g.IQVM, MMS, SMS

Bulk delete text messages
Rejected 1 subscribers Promo FR100210
The ability to bulk delete text messages. Currently can only delete 100 at a time