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Multi-component Prizes
Accepted 10 subscribers Promo FR100063

Ability to schedule, award, and manage prizes with multiple components (for example, a cash component, and an inventory item component). This will assist greatly when there is a minor prize component and a major prize component to a campaign.

Can this feature also be included in the Campaign Wizard.

Multi-Instance Management
Completed 10 subscribers Promo FR100098

The ability to create / schedule liners, live reads, campaigns, clients and inventory across multiple instances simultaneously.

Prohibition Rule Prize Filter
Completed 7 subscribers Promo FR100260

Add a prize type filter to Prohibition Rules so customers have the ability to choose what prizes they want included in the prohibition rules.

Manually Merge Listener Profiles
Accepted 5 subscribers Promo FR100158

Select multiple listener profiles and manually merge the information to create one listener profile. This will help detect when one person is using multiple phone numbers/ email addresses

Liner delivery button in Contests (Studio)
Rejected 5 subscribers Promo FR100025
Ability to mark when a contest credit (Liner) has been delivered inside a Contest tab in Studio view, separately from when the prize is awarded.
Multi Instance Prize Activity Report
Accepted 4 subscribers Promo FR100182

The ability to see what prizes a listener has won across multiple instances.

Show Campaign on Payment Details Page
Completed 4 subscribers Promo FR100071

Show the related Campaign name on the Payment details view, as a link to that Campaign (without requiring the user to click through to the prize and then the Campaign).

Enhanced Forms
In Development 4 subscribers Promo FR100106

This FR has been renamed from “Forms from Scratch”.

The ability to create Forms without needing to include the default Profile fields - so the Form could be built from scratch.

Includes the ability to reorder all form fields, and a nicer drag-and-drop Form Designer UI.

Live Reads
Completed 4 subscribers Promo FR100082

Ability to store, manage, schedule, and track delivery of Live Reads, in a similar way as Liners are currently.

Enhanced Audit Logging for Promo
Completed 4 subscribers Promo FR100133
The ability to see an activity log on instances to see which user has made changes.