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Inventory Filters
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100105
Ability to create filters for Inventory Items (much like Prize Filters) so that Inventory Items can be filtered by Category, Expiry Date, Show, Campaign, Cost etc.
Seasonal Shows Option
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100103

Show Management to have options where we can add a show for a specific time period, specifying a start date and end date e.g. summer breakfast shows. Ability to turn off main shows for a specific period of time and replace it with filler shows.

Copy text to clipboard in Studio
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100102

An option to still copy text to clipboard when Presenter Views are enabled (drag and drop is the default functionality which prevents the user from highlighting content).

Manual Household Management
Completed 3 subscribers Promo FR100099
The ability to manually create and manage Households and add, or remove, Household members.
Multi-Instance Management
Completed 10 subscribers Promo FR100098

The ability to create / schedule liners, live reads, campaigns, clients and inventory across multiple instances simultaneously.

Generate reports of listeners by state
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100097

Ability to run a report of listeners by their state

Commitment Added to Liners
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100096

Add "committed" box in new liner setup.

Add "committed" tally in campaign liners overview

Manually Add Listener to a House Hold
Completed 3 subscribers Promo FR100093

The ability to manually add a listener to a house hold. E.g.someone is using their work phone and address but has also won prizes on their personal number and home address.

Campaign Demographic Breakdown
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100090
Version of the Audience Demographic Breakdown report that can be scoped to audience members who engaged with / participated in a specific Campaign.
Automatically send attachments to winners
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100088

Ability to upload and automatically deliver unique attachments (for example PDF vouchers as prizes) to winners by email or SMS.