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Inventory Items Value Report
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100227
Report which lists inventory items (excluding items with 0 or negative quantity available) and includes the VPU for the inventory items, including totals.
Prohibited Winners Report
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100226
Generate an exportable report for Prohibited winners.
Apply Custom CSS to forms
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100225

The functionality to apply custom CSS to embedded forms.

Winner publishing across multiple instances
Accepted 3 subscribers Promo FR100224

The ability to have winner publishing across multiple instances. Multiple Instances on the one page. Example a drive show instance and a station instance shared on one website.

Prizes by Prize Category Report
Completed 1 subscribers Promo FR100223
A report to generate a list of prizes based on the Prize Category (e.g. Music/Concert Tickets, Gift Cards, Station Events or other custom-defined Prize Categories).
Always show Digital Prizes Icon
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100222
Ensure that the "Digital Prizes Awaiting Delivery" icon is always visible, even when the prize description text fills the entire column.
Events Ticket Fine Print Edit/Remove Ability
Accepted 1 subscribers Events FR100221
Events Ticket Fine Print Edit/Remove Ability
Filtering the schedule
Completed 2 subscribers Promo FR100220
Filtering Schedule by particular shows to make it easier to view clogged schedule.
See all deliveries on Multi-instance Liners
Accepted 1 subscribers Promo FR100219

Display all deliveries on the Liners page under multi-instance liners, including deliveries recorded on other instances.

Ability to Show/Hide Date and Time from Ticket Template
Completed 2 subscribers Events FR100218

Ability to choose per-event whether the ticket template displays the event Date and Time.