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Attach Campaign to Prohib Rules
Accepted 1 subscribers Promo FR100114

Ability to connect prohibition rules to campaigns so that listeners can only enter/win once per campaign.

Hosted Form Links
In Development 2 subscribers Promo FR100107
Ability to create a hosted, shareable link to Forms with basic branding (instead of needing to embed the form).
Enhanced Forms
In Development 4 subscribers Promo FR100106

This FR has been renamed from “Forms from Scratch”.

The ability to create Forms without needing to include the default Profile fields - so the Form could be built from scratch.

Includes the ability to reorder all form fields, and a nicer drag-and-drop Form Designer UI.

Bulk Scheduling
Accepted 1 subscribers Promo FR100104
Ability to bulk duplicate schedule items to all/multiple shows at once
Configure From Email and DKIM
Accepted 2 subscribers Platform FR100078

The ability to configure custom domains for sending system-generated emails (replacing the default noreply@(instance_subdomain), as well as generating DKIM keys for signing outbound email to improve deliverability when using custom domains.

Set “Paid” date on Payments
Accepted 1 subscribers Promo FR100075

In addition to marking Payments as Paid / Unpaid, the ability for users (with resource-specific permissions) to set a Payment / Payments as Paid on a specific date.

Multi-component Prizes
Accepted 10 subscribers Promo FR100063

Ability to schedule, award, and manage prizes with multiple components (for example, a cash component, and an inventory item component). This will assist greatly when there is a minor prize component and a major prize component to a campaign.

Can this feature also be included in the Campaign Wizard.

Quick Promotion Setup
Accepted 1 subscribers Promo FR100039

Ability for users to quickly create a campaign, inventory items, lists etc. and schedule contests within one workflow.