Help us make Audata products even better for you.

Add exisiting shows to Temporary Schedule
Accepted 1 subscribers Promo FR100185

The ability to add an existing show to a new/ temporary schedule so you don't need to create shows from scratch again. An example is the Night show may move to the drive show during a survey break.

Multi Instance Prize Activity Report
Accepted 4 subscribers Promo FR100182

The ability to see what prizes a listener has won across multiple instances.

Email option for Marketing
Accepted 1 subscribers Promo FR100175

Ability to create and send Email marketing campaigns using the Promo Marketing tool, in addition to SMS campaigns.

Manually Merge Listener Profiles
Accepted 5 subscribers Promo FR100158

Select multiple listener profiles and manually merge the information to create one listener profile. This will help detect when one person is using multiple phone numbers/ email addresses

Prohibited Listeners Report
Accepted 1 subscribers Promo FR100152
The ability to generate a report of prohibited listeners across multiple instances
Save Tickets to Apple Wallet or Google Pay
Accepted 1 subscribers Events FR100150

Ability for guests to save their Tickets to Apple Wallet ("PKPass") & Google Wallet.

Web Links for Tickets
Accepted 1 subscribers Events FR100149

Public URLs to display branded tickets in web browser with full sized QR codes, removing the need for guests with mobile tickets to “zoom in” to QR codes on a PDF for scanning.

Promo Inbox
Accepted 3 subscribers Promo FR100135
A way to see what emails have been sent to prize winners
Search for Listener across multiple instances
Accepted 1 subscribers Promo FR100132
Have a way for people to search for Listeners across multiple instances such as Finance teams
Time Specific Automated Msg Replies
Accepted 4 subscribers Promo FR100119

A way to tailor message replies and make them time specific including ability to create individual replies for time frame